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City of Los Angeles Water Works Bond - Signed by Mayor Frank Shaw - Scandalous
City of Los Angeles Water Works Bond - Signed by Mayor Frank Shaw - 1934
City of Los Angeles Water Works Bond - Signed by Mayor Frank Shaw - 1934
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Our Price: $248.00
Sale Price: $198.00
Vintage Stock Certificate

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Product Code: SC1826-57

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This City of Los Angeles Water Works Bond was issued in 1934 and is signed by Mayor Frank L. Shaw. Shaw was the first Mayor of a major U.S. city to be recalled from office. His administration was largely considered one of the most corrupt in Los Angeles history. He was forced out of office due to police misconduct and the mishandling of public funds.

From the start Shaw's ethics were called into question as his qualifications and even his citizenship were suspect (he was Canadian-born). He was accused of having more than 1000 gambling and prostitution rackets under his administration's protection. He was suspected using local police to bomb an investigator's car who was scheduled to testify against Mayor Shaw. A grand jury indicted and convicted LAPD Captain Earl Kynette of the attack. After the conviction, voters turned on Shaw and demanded his removal.

Many believe his removal from office led resulted in the Mob moving from Los Angeles to set up shop in Las Vegas.