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New!  Hudson Motor Car Company Stock Certificate - 1949
Hudson Motor Car Company Stock Certificate
Hudson Motor Car Company Stock Certificate
Our Price: $288.00
Sale Price: $248.00
Vintage Stock Certificate

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Product Code: SC1722-2

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The Hudson Motor Car Company was formed in 1909 in Detroit Michigan by eight business men with the goal to produce a automobile to sell for under $1000. The company was named after Joseph Hudson who helped fund the company. The first car was driven off the line in July, 1909. They sold over 4000 of their Hudson "Twenty" their first year. At their peak in 1929 they produced over 300,000 cars per year and became the third largest auto manufacturer in the U.S.

They ceased producing cars during WWII under the order of the federal government to product airplanes, parts and weapons. Operations resumed after the war. Unable to compete with the "Big Three" in the 1950s, they merged with with Nash-Kelvinator to become American Motors Corporation.

This Hudson Motor Car Company Stock Certificate was issued in 1949 and features a vignette of their production plant in Detroit.

Added to the Dow Jones Industrial Average 1930